In the world of marketing tools, there is probably an endless amount of items that can be used to advertise a company’s name. From t-shirts to pens, pencils, shot glasses, coffee mugs, and everything in between, it’s hard to think of something that cannot be used to market a business. When it comes to marketing tools, it’s important that the product you choose is one that people actually want to have and will use. For example, a very effective marketing tool is promotional beer koozies. If you’re a beer drinker, you probably know all about beer koozies and just how great they are to have around no matter if you’re at home or at the local football stadium.
If you don’t know what they are, can coolers are basically portable beer holders that help to keep the beer cold and also keeps the condensation off of your hands. Beer koozies are made to fit beer cans as well as beer bottles and make holding wet cans and bottles a lot easier and much more convenient. With beer koozies, your company’s name, logo, or even website address can be printed on them for direct marketing.
Below are five reasons why promotional can coolers have proven to be such an effective marketing tool for businesses of all types:
1. They’re useful – Being able to use a marketing tool that can be used for an extended period of time is always a plus for any business. With promotional can coolers, you can expect customers to use them for months, if not years as they are known to not only last but they can be used throughout the years and at many different locations. Beer koozies are a permanent marketing tool, so to speak, in the idea that they
2. They’re popular – Using a marketing tool that is popular is always ideal. Promotional beer koozies are popular because they can be used anywhere at any time. Since so many people use them, you have an even greater chance of being able to market your business’ name to a wide span of people. The more people who are exposed to your company’s name, the higher chances you have of gaining new customers and leads.
3. They’re different – Though can coolers are extremely popular amongst society today, it’s not too often that you see companies using them as an advertising tool. Usually can coolers are customized with sports teams however as a marketing tool, you’re of course want to put your company’s name and/or logo on them.
4. They can be customized – Having a marketing tool that is customizable is a must in today’s world. You can just hand out a pen with a business card attached to it and expect to gain new clients. Instead focus on using marketing tools that offer personalization on the product itself, like a beer koozie. This way customers don’t have to worry about scouring about to find your company’s business card. Instead all they have to do is take a look at the can coolers.
5. They are inexpensive – Nowadays companies allow you to purchase promotional beer koozies in bulk which means that even small local companies are able to use beer koozies as their marketing tool.
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